
bi·o·feed· back

a process whereby electronic monitoring of a normally automatic bodily function is used to train someone to acquire voluntary control of that function.

A HeartMath Biofeedback session provides insight into the resting state of the nervous system. It calculates and displays Heart Rate Variability (HrV) in real time.

HrV is a measure of the time difference between heartbeats. It is an indicator of the body's coherence, performance, and capacity for self-regulation.

In a HeartMath session, we train ourselves to regulate our breath while maintaining focus on the heart center. This form of training has a gigantic effect on HrV and leads to a multitude of cascading benefits to our physiology. It brings the sympathetic and parasympathetic tones of the nervous system back into balance.

In a 90-minute session with a HeartMath coach you will receive instruction and guidance that will lead to achieving and sustaining coherence, and then a breakdown of the results of the device readings.

Investment: USD 88

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